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Token hunger strike camp

Token hunger strike camp


29 / 08 / 2023 Pakistan  ,  Iran 74

Over the five years of completion of the forced disappearance of Asif and Rashid Baloch, a protest demonstration was held by the family members in Islamabad. At the same time, a three-day symbolic hunger strike camp was also established by the family in front of the Islamabad Press Club. 


A protest demonstration was held in Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan, against the non-recovery of the missing Asif and Rashid Baloch. According to the family members, a three-day protest camp will be established in Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan, from August 29 to August 31, while a protest rally will be held at 4 p.m. on August 31.


According to the family members of the abductees, the forced disappearance of Asif and Rashid will complete a long period of five years on August 31, 2023. Therefore, the whereabouts of their abductees have not been disclosed. 


The family added that on August 31, 2018, Asif and Rasheed were arrested by the forces and taken into custody by the troops along with their other eight friends from the Zangi Nawaar Picnic site in Noshki and transferred to an unknown location where later, publishing the pictures of these persons in the custody of Pakistan’s security forces. 


The family of Asif and Rashid have been protesting in different cities for their recovery for the last few years. According to Saira Baloch, the sister of Asif and Rashid, after the forces published the photos of them during their arrest, occasionally other people have been released. Still, her brothers have yet not come to the scene, and neither are the details confirming their arrest.


The family says that despite five years of waiting and continuous protest, there is no one to listen to them in Balochistan. 

Saira Baloch said that Instead of providing justice, the existence and silence of the commission and the courts become a torment for the families of the missing persons. Further, she added that I had come to Islamabad with the hope that I could appeal to the people who are the champions and defenders of human rights who must listen to my requisitions for my brother's recovery.


She has further said that I appeal to the Baloch and other political and human rights organizations of Islamabad to become our voice by participating in this three-day protest camp.