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Human Rights Activist Iman Zainab Mazari detained illegally and disappeared

Human Rights Activist Iman Zainab Mazari detained illegally and disappeared


20 / 08 / 2023 Pakistan 97

Initial report of Iman Mazari's arrest was tweeted by Shirin Mazari, her mother, around 4 AM, saying, "Just now plainclothes men/women police officers broke our (house) main door in the wee hours and took my daughter away. They took away our security cameras, Iman's laptop, and mobile phone."

Iman Zainab Mazari, a human rights advocate and lawyer, was arrested by officers dressed in plainclothes and police uniforms and taken to an undisclosed location.

Images on social media show the broken door of her room and items scattered within.

Former Federal Minister for Human Rights, Shirin Mazari, stated that on Sunday morning, at dawn, women police officers and plainclothes individuals took Advocate Iman Mazari from their home in Islamabad.

Shirin Mazari explained that she asked them why they had come and why they were taking Iman by force. They roamed throughout the house. My daughter was in her night clothes; they didn't allow her to change.

According to Shirin Mazari, no warrant of arrest was shown, and no legal procedure was followed. She referred to it as a "state abduction" and stated that only two women reside in their house; one was abducted.

Iman Mazari herself had tweeted on Sunday, around 3:20 AM, about the entry of unknown individuals into her house and the breaking of security cameras.

The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan has also condemned Iman Mazari's arrest and demanded her immediate and unconditional release.

The Islamabad Police, in an official statement on social media, confirmed the arrest of Ali Wazir and Iman Mazari, stating that "both suspects were required for investigation by Islamabad Police. All actions will be taken as per the law."

According to police officials, FIRs were registered against Ali Wazir and Iman Mazari on August 18 for violating Section 144, holding unauthorized gatherings, and blocking roads.

A campaign against the alleged wrongful arrest of Iman Mazari and Ali Wazir is gaining momentum on social media. People from various political, social, and human rights backgrounds are condemning their arrest and demanding their immediate recovery.