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Six Policemen killed in an armed attack in Lakki Marwat

Six Policemen killed in an armed attack in Lakki Marwat


16 / 11 / 2022 Pakistan 125

Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack.

Mohammad Khurasani, who said he is a spokesman for the Pakistani Taliban, formally known as Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan or TTP, said in a statement that the patrol was ambushed on the way to a raid and the attackers acquired five police weapons from the confrontation.

"Armed militants ambushed and killed all six people in a police vehicle in northwestern Pakistan" officials said Wednesday.

Police officer Rab Nawaz Khan said the morning attack in the Dadewala area of Lakki Marwat district came during a routine patrol in a suburban area. The attackers escaped on motorcycles.

Khan said reinforcement has reached the scene, moved the bodies to a hospital and started an investigation to find the perpetrators.