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Interruption of Sammi Deen’s speech at Asma Jahangir conference

Interruption of Sammi Deen’s speech at Asma Jahangir conference


23 / 10 / 2022 Pakistan 133

Asima Jahangir Year 2022 conference is going on in Lahore where members of lawyers organizations from all over Pakistan, human rights workers including political leaders such as Sammi Baloch, Akhtar Mengal and others from Balochistan participated.

In the conference organized under the title of a constitutional crisis and political instability in South Asia, a briefing was given on the violation of human rights and enforced disappearances.

Addressing the conference, Sammi Deen Baloch said that thanks to the Asima Jahangir Foundation, for the first time in a hotel in Lahore and Punjab, the relatives of the missing persons have been given the opportunity to talk and she stated that she was there to express the sorrows of sad mother of Balochistan. Before this, the voice of Baloch may have reached some circle of Punjab, but we are ready to go to every door with our cries.

Sammi Baloch said that the bill which was presented in the National Assembly against the enforced disappearances is the hard work of the families of the missing persons, lawyers and human rights workers, but it cannot be said that even after the presentation of this bill any implementation is possible because many such bills have been passed before but nothing resulted and enforced disappearances of Baloch people continue in Balochistan.

She said that in 2010, there was a demand to bring out the Judges Commission report which included the facts on enforced disappearances, but it could not be implemented and the demand of the Judges Commission was ignored by the government.

Similarly, in 2012, Chief Justice Iftikhar Ahmad Chaudhry ordered the recovery of 35 forcibly disappeared persons by conducting an investigation involving 19 FC officers, but no action was taken on this. It was DIG Operations Balochistan Hamid Shakeel who revealed FC's involvement in enforced disappearances in court and was killed in a controversial attack. Sammi Baloch further said that despite the court orders in 2010, the salaries of the government employees who were forcibly disappeared were not restored. Didn't see implementation.

Sammi Baloch said that while other children of Pakistan are getting higher education in foreign countries, the Baloch students who come to Punjab after a long journey to get education are targeted based on their clothes. Panjab gets Sendak and other resources, in exchange for these resources the mothers are to provide dead bodies.

Sammi Baloch was giving a speech, during which the conference administration tried to stop the conversation of Sammi Baloch, even on repeated requests of Sami Deen Baloch, she was not allowed to speak and the microphone was taken away from her.