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Balochistan is a black hole for human rights violations

Balochistan is a black hole for human rights violations


10 / 12 / 2023 Articles 93

Balochistan is a black hole for human rights violations


Writer - Hani Baloch 


Abductions, arbitrary arrests, detentions without trial, political executions, assassinations, and torture has become a daily affair in Balochistan.

As today is the International Human Rights day and yet Balochistan is a 

"human rights-free zone”, with no human rights.

Considering the Recent tragedy, CTD murdered four Baloch Missing persons in a fake encounter, including Balach Baloch for whom an uprising has been started throughout Balochistan. Such brutality give more strength to genocide. Yet, kn the other side, the UN and mainstream media had no interest in the genocide that has been taking place since decades.


There is no international concern about human rights violations in Balochistan. Cases like Najma Baloch , a teacher who took her life as state intelligence agencies pressurised them become their agent and spy local people. So, instead of betraying her nation she has choosen death. Official denial of access to international media, human rights groups and researchers, military throughout the region has make it difficult to independently analyse the crisis of Genocide in Balochistan to the world. 


In cases where extreme violations of human rights have occurred of Baloch missing persons reconciliation and peacebuilding become much more difficult in Balochistan due to state atrocities. Unresolved human rights issues can serve as obstacles to live a life of dignity on their own land.

The families who have faced atrocities and evacuated their inherited land have impact of brutality on their minds, so it has become hard for them leave behind all and live a simple routine life. Meanwhile on roads protesting for recovery, they receive the worst treatment with tears in their eyes yet stand firm with dignity to fight against human rights violations. 


For the last seven and half decades, tens of thousands of Baloch have been killed, disappeared ,violating their right to live securely on their own land. The ongoing conflict between Baloch and government of Pakistan over the genocide of Baloch has resulted in the ill-treatment of people and human rights violations to it's extreme. Now CTD is the new trend they are using to murder the innocent Baloxh people who went missing for months. Beside producing some of them in courts with no evidences ,yet killed mercilessly and thrown on roads. 


It is estimated that maybe 7000 or even more people are reportedly become the victim of enforced disappearance in the province till this day. However, the law enforcement agencies have been accused of massive human rights abuses in Balochistan by Human Rights Watch, with the disappearance of hundreds of activists. Sadly, 1102 people disappeared from the region since last two years. A number of bodies were found on roadsides having been shot in the head with no identification as bodies decomposed.


Balochistan is the cauldron of the worst human rights violations in Pakistan, which does not have a good track record of upholding human rights in general.

Baloch are usually tortured, abducted and their rights violated. Why is Balochistan a black hole of human rights violations? What are the motives that extremism in the society is so high? Are Baloch born to live under such conditions? Don't they have a right to live a life of dignity? Can't they be left alone to roam freely in their own land fearlessly without being abducted in broad daylight.


The human rights situations in Balochistan is appalling. The Pakistan government does not live up to its constitutional responsibilities though, UN isn't too working , neither making recommendations against human rights violations here . The worst human rights violations take place in Balochistan that show how the state has failed to accommodate the socio-culture and grievances of the Baloch. People of Balochistan face human rights violations on a daily basis; people are eliminated from their land, their resources are extracted against their will, being abducted in educational institutions, even people were removed from their houses for the sake of CPEC projects which benefits Balochistan on a zero level.


So, this is the province where human rights are in danger. This is the province where Baloch are routinely attacked, made to disappear and abducted. Meanwhile, it is too bad that the devastating consequences of human rights violations are apparent as Baloch are surviving on the edge of the stake. Multiple lives of the Baloch are targeted and claimed.


Turning a blind eye, the provincial and central governments and the executive and the judicial branches of the government continue to throw the issue of human rights into each other’s court while unable to prove a single missing person guilty. Additionally, the government has not either completed or initiated investigations into killings for which it has been blamed, such as the murder of Professor Saba Dashtiyari of the University of Balochistan, to assure its commitment to independently probe blatant attacks on educators and free-thinkers, the death of Lummah Karima Baloch in Toronto and Sajid Baloch while in exile.


 They choose to stay silent over the well documented atrocities against the Baloch people in Pakistan.

The above heart-rending situation of the Baloch is the worst and poisons the seeds slumbering beneath the soil, visible to the eye. They wait only for the right kind of rain to come before speedily blooming into a harvest of hate. And now it is time to reap. Now it seems as if it were a norm for people of Balochistan to face human rights violations, especially those who are the most educated, well talented, skillful and intellectual.


In addition, the so-called ‘kill and dump operations’ provide a glimpse into the prevalent and sophisticated network of illegal torture cells maintained inside Balochistan. For example, when activists, such as Mama Qadeer Baloxh's son, disappear from Quetta and are found dead 856 kilometres away in Kech district, it gives a clear idea about the extraordinary operational and logistical capabilities of people involved in such regular and untraceable operations.


In addition, the lives of ordinary Baloch are on a rollercoaster ride, the Baloch are repeatedly made to walk into dark walls. This serious issue has never been as simple as it is painted. It is the inability of the ruling party that Baloch are forcibly taken away, made to disappear, mistreated and killed. In essence, as far as Baloch are concerned, the authorities could do no right. Even after claiming lives of a great deal of people, there are demands that the province should be reviewed so that amendments could be made.


A life without violence is essential to health. This is just a slice of what Baloch are facing, if nothing is done, nobody can live in peace in the province. There are cries for help, all pleading to be saved from torments here, where a victim is turned into an oppressor, and targets of conspiracy into conspirators.


Although human rights are the basic rights and freedom that belong to every person in the world from birth until death, and are applied regardless of where you are from, what you believe or how you choose to live, Baloch are still extrajudicially killed and disappeared by force. Though the basic rights are based on shared values, like dignity, fairness, equality, respect and independence, and though people have the right to express their own opinions, the right not to be mistreated or wrongly punished by the state, the Baloch nation is deprived from all these rights. 


A bird’s eye view of the history of the sufferings of the Baloch makes one understand why Balochistan is a simmering volcano today.


To go deeper, Baloch have less representation in central bureaucracy and other federal government bodies. Hence, it can be inferred that Baloch have genuine grievances. Our rulers have never heeded to the sufferings and legal demands of the masses. Despite tackling the issues through negotiations, the authorities’ approach towards insurgents leads to destruction.


One can hope that those responsible for such reforms will take their duties honestly. What we need is strict implementation of law and a permanent solution to problems and thats the sole way to come out of bygone era. Let’s hope that immediate steps will be taken to fulfill the commitment to protect and promote rights of people and ensure a safe environment.