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Remembrance Day of Baloch Martyrs

Remembrance Day of Baloch Martyrs


12 / 11 / 2023 Articles 217

Remembrance Day of Baloch Martyrs Mehwish Baloch On November 13, the Baloch Nation pays tribute to those son of soil who gave their lives for the liberation of Baloch mother land. Honour the lives of individuals who dedicated their lives to overcoming the tyranny and injustice imposed on the Baloch people.   Because of its historical significance and to remember the sacrifices of Mir Mehrab Khan and his comrades, as well as all Baloch independence fighters who laid down their lives defending the Baloch motherland, the Baloch nation has designated November 13 as Baloch Martyrs Day or Remembrance Day.   The British forces descended on Kalat, and the capital was taken by a storm. The Khan and his forces were vastly overpowered, but they fought valiantly. On November 13, 1939, they were martyred, and Balochistan was occupied by the British. Khan and his soldiers blazed a trail of resistance that many others followed whenever an outside force attempted to occupy Balochistan.   November 13 was designated as Baloch Martyrs Day in honour of Khan's valiant sacrifice. When Pakistan attacked and occupied Balochistan in 1948, engulfing the entire country, history was repeated whenever injustice and cruelty raised their heads.   The date of November 13 has been chosen to pay tribute to those brave Baloch sons and daughters who gave their lives and stood firm during the national freedom movement. This day is not dedicated to a particular group, tribe, or personality; on this day, we pay our tributes to all martyrs.   Baloch have not only remembered their martyrs and victims of Pakistan-occupied Balochistan but also the Baloch victims of Iranian state atrocities. The movement has also advanced the notion that the Baloch national anthem, Baloch national flag, and Baloch martyrs day are symbols of Baloch unity and proof that they are a separate nation.   Martyrs and defenders have always been proven to be the beacons of their nations in all periods of national resistance and revolutionary history. Through their sacrifices, nations not only bring innovation to national struggle but also achieve their ultimate destination of independence.   At last, why do we honour Martyrs' Day? This day is observed to remember our great heroes. We pay tribute to the unknown soldiers who have sacrificed themselves for the motherland, from Shaheed Mir Mehrab Khan to Shaheed Ustad Aslam Baloch, from Rehan Baloch to Aftab Baloch, from Majeed Baloch to Younas Baloch, from Karima Baloch to Shari Baloch, and thousands of Baloch martyrs.