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Pakistani forces and intelligence agencies conducted house raids in Zehri, forcibly disappear 1 person

Pakistani forces and intelligence agencies conducted house raids in Zehri, forcibly disappear 1 person


20 / 08 / 2023 Enforced Disappearances 49

Pakistani forces and intelligence agencies conducted house raids in Zehri, resulting in the detention of three individuals. Two of the detainees were later released, while one person remains missing.

On the night of August 18, Pakistani forces, including FC personnel and plainclothes officers, surrounded the area and raided the house of Hafeez, son of Muhammad Amin resident of Sangin, taking him away. Additionally, a raid was conducted on a house in Shafi Colony, resulting in the detention of Razzaq Jatak and his son Manan Jatak, who were both subsequently released the following day.

Sources have reported that Hafeez is still missing, and an FIR (First Information Report) has been filed with the local police regarding his disappearance. The unknown location where the detainees were taken has raised concerns among the local residents.


Further investigations and efforts are underway to determine Hafeez's whereabouts and ensure his safe return.