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Worsening Human Rights Situation in Balochistan as Forced Disappearances Continue

Worsening Human Rights Situation in Balochistan as Forced Disappearances Continue


11 / 08 / 2023 Enforced Disappearances 66

State Brutality Sparks Protests and Outcry.

The forces have taken two persons with them after arresting them from Turbat. According to the details, on Thursday, two young men were forcibly taken away from Turbat, a region in the Kech district of Balochistan by Pakistani security forces and secret agency officials. The incident of enforced disappearance of the youths occurred in a shop in Kolwai Bazar in Turbat Absar. The forces detained two youths named Zarif Baloch and Tahir Baloch. Tahir Baloch was fortunate enough to escape after being forcibly disappeared, but Zarif Baloch remains missing.

The issue of forced disappearances in Balochistan persists, with seven reported cases within the first ten days of this month alone. The victims were allegedly abducted by Pakistani forces from various districts of Balochistan. Out of these cases, only one person has managed to be recovered.

According to The informative reports the situation in the last two weeks of July was dire, with 34 individuals forcibly disappeared across Balochistan. Eight individuals were recovered, but four bodies were found. This data highlights the escalating rate of enforced disappearances in the province.

July 2023 has been deemed the worst month in terms of human rights abuses this year, according to the BNM's Human Rights Department 'Pank.' The organization's detailed report reveals that 57 people were forcibly disappeared in July alone, with seven individuals losing their lives at the hands of Pakistani forces, who then callously disposed of their bodies. The alarming rise in forced disappearances has created an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty in Balochistan, affecting every household.

Protests and demonstrations have erupted across Balochistan as citizens respond to the state's brutal policies. With the Supreme Court and media now shedding light on the situation, the true extent of atrocities in Balochistan is being exposed.

The Balochistan Youth Council (BYC) leaders have strongly condemned the forced disappearances and attribute the prevailing uncertainty to state brutality. The leaders emphasize that no home in Balochistan is immune to the impact of these human rights violations.