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State-backed death squads are killing innocent people at the behest of the army, International community should take notice of the atrocities. Spokesperson BSO-Azad

State-backed death squads are killing innocent people at the behest of the army, International community should take notice of the atrocities. Spokesperson BSO-Azad


10 / 09 / 2023 BSO Azad 52

The spokesperson for the Baloch Students Organization Azad strongly condemns the brutal killing and torture suffered by Raheem Dad, a resident of Mashkey, as a glaring example of the oppressive state policies in occupied Balochistan. State-backed death squads operate covertly as agents of the army throughout Balochistan, targeting innocent people for their selfish interests. These local operatives, known as the "death squads," violate the norms and values of the local population through their illegal raids, torture, and killings of people of all ages, all at the behest of their masters. These atrocities seem to have no end, while the leaders of these death squads enjoy political and financial rewards, occupying prominent positions within the state's political system.

Expressing profound anger over Raheem Dad's killing, the spokesperson revealed that Raheem Dad had previously disappeared at the hands of the army in Mashkey, enduring a long period of captivity marked by severe torture during his illegal detention. Shockingly, after his release from captivity, the death squads were ordered to shoot and kill him, representing the highest form of injustice and brutality perpetuated by these illegal forces. While the army, in collusion with its proxies, continues to kill and discard the bodies of Baloch individuals on their own land, human rights groups have maintained a troubling silence in the face of the barbaric actions of state forces. Prior to Raheem's tragic fate, multiple people had been fatally shot by the death squads in the town of Mashkey in Balochistan. The army is further escalating its illegal actions, including torture, enforced disappearances, killings, and staged encounters targeting Baloch people.

Expressing concern over the silence of civilized countries regarding the atrocities against the Baloch people, the spokesperson emphasized that the actions of the international community are increasingly selective. Instead of holding states like Pakistan accountable for their crimes in Balochistan and other marginalized communities, many countries are providing financial and military support, enabling the intensification of these oppressive actions. The United Nations and other civilised countries should take serious notes against the gross human rights violations and the targeting of innocent Baloch people by Pakistani state.