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State-sponsored squads kill two minors in Beima and Panjgoor- BSO Azad

State-sponsored squads kill two minors in Beima and Panjgoor- BSO Azad


25 / 09 / 2022 BSO Azad 165

Spokesperson of BSO Azad in a statement said that under the colonial regime of Pakistan, killing of Baloch people is continue throughout Balochistan. On each kilometer and street corner of Balochistan there is an army check-post but yet armed persons are roaming around on the parol of Pakistan army.

Spokesperson said that Pakistan army is sponsoring these death squads and being utilized as a tool to stimulate the Baloch genocide. Recently, two minor have been killed in Besima and Panjgur by these state-sponsored squads. Such sort of oppression without class and age distinction is the classical way of colonial oppression on Baloch people.

Spokesperson said that Killing of Baloch people by Pakistan army and state backed death squad is the systematic way of genocide in Balochistan. Such of sort of tactics have created fear among the masses which is leading toward psychological disorder among Baloch people. Due to these psychological disorders, the sucide rate have rose among Baloch society.

Spokesperson said that the silence of civilized world and humintarion organizations is stimulating the Pakistani oppression and genocide of Baloch people. United Nations and other humanitarian organizations must make Pakistan accountable for its gross human rights violations in Balochistan.