Zrumbesh | Zrumbesh

Draconian Blasphemy in Pakistan

Draconian Blasphemy in Pakistan


05 / 08 / 2023 Articles 85

Pakistan is a country which is defamed in entire world by killing its citizens by state actors or non state stakeholders on the name of blasphemy, which is a piece of a draconian legislation incorporated and inserted in Pakistan Penal Code. Section 295A. Holds that deliberate and malicious acts intended to outrage religious feelings of any class by insulting its religion or religious beliefs. Whoever, with deliberate and malicious intention of outraging the religious feelings of any class of the citizens of the Pakistan, by words, either spoken or written, or by visible representations insult or attempt to insult the religious beliefs of the class, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to ten years, or with fine or both.

As we have observed that the students of Wali Khan University have ruthlessly stripped, bedly beaten Mashal Khan and thrown him from second floor building, on the allegation of false so-called blasphemy, by saying that he has deliberately used derogatory remarks against Mohammed, this narrative was planned by the University administration to discourage and eliminate Mashal Khan because he had raised the voice against the maladministration and corruption of university. Similarly the human rights defenders namely, Ahmad Raza, Salman Haider, Waqas Goraya and so forth and so on enforced disappeared in Pakistan,precisely because they raisd the voice for the missing persons, when the Civil society and their families launched demonstration against the perpetrators who had always been security forces of Pakistan, therefore tried to conceal their guilt and started a volgur propaganda against them that they were involved in committing blasphemy law. Later on they were released,even non FIR were registered against them in any police stations. To me Qutub Ali Rind being a Baloch talent student has mercilessly been killed by the fanatic of Jamat's students who have often took the law into their and accomplice with university administration as perpetrators.

It is regrettable, Baloch students are being victimized by the state security forces as well as non state stakeholders across Pakistan, it is requested to the laws enforcers of Pakistan that to kill an innocent person in such manner is serious and heinous crime the two culprits have been arrested they must be dealt according law and fair justice.

We vehemently condemn this inhumane and terrorist action, the populations should initiate exemplary action against the perpetrators. It is the legal responsibility of law enforcers in particular police to arrest the culprit and strictly dealt according to criminal law. I also observed that the religious extremists have tried to sabotage a book stall in panjgur, the civil society should discourage this nonsense.