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Let’s give peace a chance: Support the independence of Balochistan and Kurdistan

Let’s give peace a chance: Support the independence of Balochistan and Kurdistan


15 / 08 / 2023 Articles 78

Waja Sohrab Baloch

Supporting the independence and autonomy of underrepresented nations could potentially provide a more equitable balance of power in regions that historically have been highly contested. This rationale forms the basis for appeals directed towards nations such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, Australia, and Middle Eastern countries, to support the independence of Balochistan and Kurdistan.

For those unfamiliar with the territories, Balochistan is a region split between Iran and Pakistan, while Kurdistan is a region shared among Turkey, Syria, Iran, and Iraq. Both areas have a rich history of cultural, linguistic, and political identity that have been striving for independence.

Supporting Balochistan's independence could result in much more than a consolidation of human rights and the promotion of self-determination (Khan, Salman."Balochistan independence: Litmus test for global human rights commitments?" Modern Diplomacy, 2021). It might also have strategic implications. A free Balochistan could potentially provide an additional level of security in the Strait of Hormuz, an area marked by high tension due to its importance in global oil transportation.

Balochistan's independence might also affect the power dynamic in the South China Sea, a disputed territory of strategic importance known for its energy reserves and as a critical commercial gateway (Glaser, Bonnie S. "Confidence Building in the South China Sea: A Proposal for a South China Sea Peace Initiative." Center for Strategic & International Studies [CSIS], 2019).

On another front, supporting Kurdish independence might be seen as an avenue towards a more diverse and autonomous Middle East and global South (Stansfield, Gareth. "The unravelling of the post-First World War state system? The Kurdistan Region of Iraq (and its neighbours) in strange times." Middle East Policy, 2018). This strategy aims not only to redefine borders and power distribution but to potentially steer away from large economic conflicts in the future.

Support for independence movements towards smaller states could, in theory, limit the economic hegemony of world powers such as China and Iran, thus decentralising global economic power and offering more countries an opportunity for economic growth and stability.

In summary, assisting in the independence of Balochistan and Kurdistan could be beneficial from both a human rights perspective and a geostrategic point of view. However, it remains a complex issue that must involve thorough assessment and the consideration of all stakeholders involved to ensure a peaceful and mutually beneficial outcome.