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Spy agency of the United Arab Emirates has arrested Abdul Hafeez Zahri from Dubai on 27th January, around 2:00 am of local time.

Spy agency of the United Arab Emirates has arrested Abdul Hafeez Zahri from Dubai on 27th January, around 2:00 am of local time.


28 / 01 / 2022 Gulf 371

The family of Abdul Hafeez Zahri has confirmed the incident.

Fareeda Baloch, the sister of Rashid Hussain Tweeted, “My cousin Hafeez Zehri has been forcibly abducted from the UAE.”

In her twitter account she also claims Hafeez Zahri is a prime witness of Rashid Hussain Baloch and he was receiving threats due to Rashid Hussain case, who was previously arrested in UAE; later on, illegally handed over to Pakistani authorities.

“Hafeez is an eyewitness of the enforced abduction of my brother Rashid Hussain. Hafeez has always received threats regarding Rashids case from the UAE’s intelligence agencies.”Fareeda Baloch says.

Mama Qadeer says, “Spy agency of UAE enforced disappeared Hafeez Zahri from International city Dubai and his fate and whereabouts are still unknown.”

Hafeez Zahri has been working in UAE for last 12 years. There years before Rashid Hussain, who is the cousin of Hafeez, was arrested by UAE spy agency and keep him incommunicado for six months; later on, handed him over to Pakistani authorities.

Initially Pakistani authorities and main stream media of Pakistan conformed the deportation of Rashid Hussain Baloch. Hence, he has never been produced before any court of the country. Since then the family of Rashid Hussain Baloch has been campaigning for the safe release of Rashid Hussain.

Mama Qadeer, the voice chairman of Voice for Baloch Missing Persons appealed to United Nations, Amnesty International and Human rights organizations to play their role in the safe recovery of Rashid Hussain Baloch and Hafeez Zahri.