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Hajira bib’s Demand for action against the killers of Shafiq Baloch, killed in a fake encounter-Nasrullah Baloch

Hajira bib’s Demand for action against the killers of Shafiq Baloch, killed in a fake encounter-Nasrullah Baloch


10 / 10 / 2023 VBMP 85

Nasrullah Baloch, the chairman of Voice for Baloch Missing Persons, has stated that Hajra Bibi has provided details of her son's forced disappearance to VBMP.

According to her, Muhammad Sulaiman and Muhammad Shafa were detained by the forces from their home on Perkani Street Qambarani Road Shall on the night of August 13, 2018, and forcibly disappeared.

On Friday, her other sons Muhammad Shafi and Muhammad Yusuf Nichari were killed in a fake encounter by CTD in Hazar Ganjishal. Muhammad Sulaiman is still in the custody of institutions, and there are concerns that he may also be killed.

Nasrullah Baloch has mentioned that VBMP would forward the case of Suleiman Bangulazai to the government, the Commission on Missing Persons, the United Nations Working Group on Enforced Disappearances, and raise its voice on every forum regarding the extrajudicial killing of Shafi. They have demanded the government to ensure the safe recovery of Muhammad Sulaiman Banglazai and the extradition of Muhammad Shafa Banglazai and Muhammad Yusuf Nichari. They also want the murder to be noticed and legal action to be taken against the officials involved in the incident to fulfill the requirements of justice.