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End of Pakistan’s occupation is the ultimate goal – BLF

End of Pakistan’s occupation is the ultimate goal – BLF


08 / 01 / 2022 Interviews 330


Balochistan Liberation Front (BLF) is one of the oldest and largest Baloch armed separatist groups, often carrying out armed attacks against Pakistani forces and government installations in the restive of Balochistan. The BLF has recently stepped up its attacks on government forces and the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), Islamabad's dream economic project.

In an exclusive interview from an unknown location in Balochistan, Manish Rai, Editor, and Views round was given. BLF spokesman Major Gwahram Baloch said that the ultimate goal of the Balochistan Liberation Front was to get rid of Pakistan's forcible occupation and colonial rule. Following is a detailed interview with a BLF spokesperson.

Question: What will be the future course of action for the armed struggle?

Baloch: The methodology of any organization takes shape according to the requirements of the given situation. Therefore, it will be formed as the conditions and events required for achieving our national goal, the independence of Balochistan.

Question: If the Pakistani government is ready to give more autonomy to Balochistan, is there any possibility that the BLF may consider giving up the armed struggle?

Baloch: No, our struggle is not to ask Pakistan for a bigger share in our own national resources. Instead, our struggle is to free Pakistan from occupation and exploitation. The BLF will never compromise on the national sovereignty and identity of the Baloch nation.

Question: How do you see the recent public protests in Gwadar and other parts of Balochistan?

Baloch: The mass protests in Gwadar or elsewhere in Occupied Balochistan are a manifestation of the fact that the Baloch people are aware of the colonial rule of Pakistan, the plunder of its national resources and the inhuman and degrading behavior of the occupying forces.

Question: It is often said that the natural resources of Balochistan are being exploited by the ruling class of Pakistan but this region has always been neglected. How do you think this can be corrected?

Baloch: This can only be true with the independence of Balochistan. We do not consider any other way to rectify this because plundering the natural resources of the subjugated nations and keeping their people backward is a natural feature of colonialism.

Question: If the Pakistani forces stop all military operations in Balochistan, then the BLF may consider a ceasefire in the near future?

Baloch: Makes policy based on facts, not on any presumption. If such an incident occurs in the future, the BLF will formulate its policy keeping in view the reasons for such a decision, the intent of the enemy behind it and its impact on the Baloch cause the independence of Balochistan.

Question: Balochistan and especially Gwadar is the center of CPEC project in China. Do you think CPEC will bring any prosperity to the region?

Baloch: The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor will not bring any prosperity to the Baloch nation and the region. Instead, it will only increase the exploitation of the resources of occupied Balochistan. This will facilitate Pakistan in expediting the process of land grabbing and forced relocation, elimination and integration of the Baloch population in the coastal belt of Balochistan, especially Gwadar. CPEC will also intensify hostilities between China, regional and international powers for military and economic dominance in the region, making Balochistan a battleground for its interests.

Question: Are all Baloch armed groups united in their struggle?

Baloch: Apparently all the armed Baloch organizations are on one page for the independence of Balochistan. However, some of them have formed a formal alliance with the BLF called BRAS. Some organizations are still outside BRAS.

Question: With the Taliban government in Afghanistan. How do you see the impact on the Baloch cause?

Baloch: Although Afghanistan is the border neighbor of Occupied Balochistan and has generally been a haven for Baloch nationalists in difficult times. However, the Baloch independence movement does not depend on the political situation in Afghanistan. Recent developments in Afghanistan will certainly have an impact on the situation in the region as a whole, including the Baloch liberation movement, but not necessarily negatively.

Question: Balochistan sees the highest number of enforced disappearances of Baloch workers. How do you think the democratic world and human rights groups should handle this?

Baloch: Undoubtedly, thousands of Baloch from all walks of life, especially political activists and students, have gone missing at the hands of Pakistan's army, paramilitary forces and intelligence agencies. The number of missing persons is increasing day by day. Pakistan as a state is responsible for the crime of enforced disappearances because all the pillars of the state, directly or indirectly, Supporting enforced disappearances. Enforced disappearances are being used to intimidate the Baloch people, suppress their voices and suppress the Baloch liberation movement. The Pakistani military, in addition to enforced disappearances, has been using extrajudicial killings, bombings and incitement of remote mountain villages, slaughtering and looting herds of people, and snatching their valuables as part of its policy. The democratic world should raise this issue in UNO and other international forums impose economic, financial and military sanctions on Pakistan. Human rights groups should raise the issue of enforced disappearances in occupied Balochistan, mobilize the people in the democratic world and thus take action against governments, UNO and major powers for enforced disappearances and other war crimes against Pakistan