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Nawab Shah - Pakistani forces attack on the home of a Sindhi nationalist resulting in the deaths of seven people, including women.

Nawab Shah - Pakistani forces attack on the home of a Sindhi nationalist  resulting in the deaths of seven people, including women.


28 / 09 / 2023 VBMP  ,  Pakistan 311

Nawab Shah - Pakistani forces attack on the home of a Sindhi nationalist resulting in the deaths of seven people, including women.


In the village of Mari Jalbani Sakrand, vicinity of Nawab Shah Distt, Pakistan Rangers forces conducted a raid on the home of prominent Sindhi nationalist Rajab Jalbani. During the raid, they subjected the residents to violence and brutality. As a result of the ensuing gunfire during the resistance, five women and two men lost their lives.


Relatives of the deceased individuals spoke to the media, saying, "We were going about our usual activities in the fields when a large contingent of forces entered the village and began trespassing into people's homes, initiating harassment. When the villagers attempted to resist and stop the forces, they opened blind firing on women and men."


Following the incident, the families placed the bodies on the highway in protest and appealed to the Supreme Court to take notice and deliver justice. The Voice for Missing Persons of Sindh strongly condemned this act of coercion by the Pakistani forces and labeled it a violation of human rights. Sindhi nationalist circles also expressed deep sorrow and anger over the Skrand incident.


On the other hand, a spokesman for the Rangers, while announcing a joint operation with the police, stated, "The operation was carried out based on information about the presence of criminals, where there was intelligence regarding the presence of explosive materials and weapons with high-value suspects. As a result of the attack, four Rangers personnel were injured, and in the retaliatory action, three attackers were killed."