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Chiragh Baloch, a Baloch influencer from Balochistan joined NASA Psyche mission in USA

Chiragh Baloch, a Baloch influencer from Balochistan joined NASA Psyche mission in USA


13 / 10 / 2023 World 362

Chiragh Baloch, a Baloch influencer from Balochistan joined NASA Psyche mission in USA


The Baloch social media influencer Chirag Baloch, a resident of Pasni Balochistan living in United States of America today joined the NASA Psche mission to Mars.


Chiragh Baloch has been chosen as one of the 35th global digital content creator for the Psyche mission by NASA. Which is a feather of unparalleled honor for Baloch Nation.


Chiragh has been popular through BalochTecb, an initiative that he pioneerd. Chirag bridged the gaps of technological penetration, enabling the completion of myriad projects in Balochistan.


Chirag Baloch joined the event today held at NASA, and covered it through its social media platforms. And said he has been chosen among 30k to 35k peoples who submitted in contest.