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SRA greets Leader Sain GM Syed on his birthday.

SRA greets Leader Sain GM Syed on his birthday.


18 / 01 / 2022 SRA 410


The Sindhi Nationalist Armed Organization (SRA) in a statement issued on the birthday of Sindhi leader Ghulam Murtaza Sayyed, famously known as GM Syed said that they salute him on the 118th birth anniversary of Sindh leader GM Syed.

On the occasion of the 118th birth anniversary of Sindh GM Syed, the founder of Sindhudesh, spokesperson of Sindh Revolutionary Army, Sodho Sindhi has stated that the people of Sindh can only secure their identityand historical land only if they follow the preaching and ideology of GM Syed.

He said that “terrorist and extremist nuclear state of Pakistan” has now become a threat to the entire world including Sindh.  In order to deal with this threat, it is imperative that secular nations with modern national ideas like Sindh and Balochistan become independent.

The spokesperson said that SRA appeals to the youth of Sindh to join hands with us in this decisive battle of Sindh Watan (Sindh Land) and save their historic Sindh Watan by following the teaching of GM Syed.