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BLF claims responsibility for killing of four personnel and Injuring two others in two attacks on Pakistani army in Mashkay and Turbat

BLF claims responsibility for killing of four personnel and Injuring two others in two attacks on Pakistani army in Mashkay and Turbat


20 / 11 / 2023 BLF  ,  Eastern Balochistan 397

BLF claims responsibility for killing of four personnel and Injuring two others in two attacks on Pakistani army in Mashkay and Turbat.


In statements released to media by Major Gwahram, Spokesperson for the Balochistan Liberation Front claimed killing of three Pakistani militants in a shot out on Sunday 19th Novemebr in Mashkay area.


Maj. Gwahram said "The Baloch Sarmachars targeted four enemy personnel with modern weapons when they were leaving the Mangoli camp and heading towards front in Mashkay area.


BLF Spokesperson claimed killing of three Pakistan military personnel on the spot while injured other.


In another attack BLF's spokesperson claimed to killed one personnel and injuries two others by attacking army main camp's check point located in Turbat city.


Balochistan Liberation Front claimed responsibility for these attacks on Pakistani army and said their attack on all the interest of the occupying state will continue until the protection of Baloch National interests and the independence of Balochistan.


Press Release